Monday, 31 October 2011

TWC - Week 11

How do we spot for a trend or a fad for technology?

It always amaze me how ideas from comics that everybody read, can become a wow factor in reality.
Just like the google earth 2010 mentioned in this video, i have seen the idea of this technology in Archie Comic.

This video portrays a very interesting point of view between people who sees things normally versus people who dare to dream and innovate.

My prof introduced 2 way of viewing the world and its innovations. Hold 2 piece of blank paper on your hand, crush one of them. One will have all the strains of the world and it is hard to go about implementing or changing the world. However, the other piece of paper is a totally new blank piece of paper, where you can just purely think about what do you want to do if you are given the power to change the world.

This actually give me a huge inspiration. I want a to create an environment for Christians like me to share our own creation of songs on it. I want to create this platform where it encourages people to write more songs for Christ, share their testimony, encourage each other, and make it a common platform to go to if you are a Christian looking for like-minded friends. This idea, i believe is the blank piece of paper that the prof talks about. A music christian Facebook.

Stakeholders analysis are important for change management. it helps you to identify the "smiling tigers" who shows you that they support you but they try to backstab you at the back behind by sabotaging you. people who disagree with you are the easiest to work with because you can choose to either convince them or exclude them. it is the smiling tigers that are the most dangerous because they do not tell you want they feel and you wouldn't know what they think.

"i may detest everything that you have to say, but i will defend every right that you have to say it." - voltaire

"the best way to predict the future is to invent it" - alan kay

Monday, 24 October 2011

TWC - Week 10

Hope i can still remember what was discussed in class last week!

Will robot ever be smarter than human?
In my opinion, it is possible for robot to be smarter than a human. Think about it. A robot who can do everything that it is programmed to do, can excel in mathematics, physics, chemistry,etc. Use this robot against a human born with IQ less than 50. Do you think in this case that human is smarter than robot? No, i don't think so.

Similarly, comparing this robot with a genius who can do what it can do, and even more. Like having free will to not perform a task, or having the free will to choose how to perform the task, or having the free will to shut down the entire system and proclaim victory by default? Now in this case, is human smarter than robot? Again, the answer is no. Because at this stage, people will say that it is programmed this way. If i give it artificial intelligence to learn from experience and think on its own, it can still be smarter than the genius.

To me, all these are foolish thoughts. Why even try to create a being that is way better than you and posing a threat to the society if misused? If it was all to satisfy the ego of human trying to prove that they are smart and have the ability to create something that is way more powerful than them, then indeed, human are stupid. As compared to robots? I wouldn't want to know.

Will robot overtake human?
On the topic of robots, people will look forward to the day when they don't have to do anything and just leave everything to these machines. However, my prof brought up an interesting idea! He says that maybe some country like India will ban the use of robots so that it will not take away the jobs of people. Since they have so many people.


Nano technology.

Innovation distinguishes the leader from the follower. -Steve jobs

Siemens electronic cars
How the smart grid will power the electric cars: eMobility

In the future, people will most likely become Prosumers-a mix of consumer and producer

3D artificial blood vessel Bio printer

Monday, 17 October 2011

TWC - Week 09 - Part One

I was introduced the a very interesting concept of creating biofuel using algae during lesson. So i made a search and found that it is indeed a feasible alternative to fossil fuels! I would like to share some interesting points as stated in the website.

It all started about three years ago when inventor Jim Sears wanted to think of a solution to mass-produce biofuel.

As quoted from the website, The science is simple: Algae need water, sunlight and carbon dioxide to grow. The oil they produce can then be harvested and converted into biodiesel; the algae's carbohydrate content can be fermented into ethanol. Both are much cleaner-burning fuels than petroleum-based diesel or gas.
Like what most people knows, fossil fuel is a depleting source. However, right now we are able to produce an new alternative source of energy which is more green and i believe is a renewable energy.
Given the right conditions, algae can double its volume overnight. Unlike other biofuel feedstocks, such as soy or corn, it can be harvested day after day. Up to 50 percent of an alga's body weight is comprised of oil, whereas oil-palm trees—currently the largest producer of oil to make biofuels—yield just about 20 percent of their weight in oil. Across the board, yields are already impressive: Soy produces some 50 gallons of oil per acre per year; canola, 150 gallons; and palm, 650 gallons. But algae is expected to produce 10,000 gallons per acre per year, and eventually even more.
In fact, the amount of energy that algae biofuel is able to provide is also quite substantial.
"If we were to replace all of the diesel that we use in the United States" with an algae derivative, says Solix CEO Douglas Henston, "we could do it on an area of land that's about one-half of 1 percent of the current farm land that we use now."
Since algae biofuel is so great, then what is stopping them now? Well, actually base on the website, nothing is stopping them now and in fact, they are facing a challenge that is of good news to everyone in the world!
The main focus now, says Cary Bullock, GreenFuel's president and CEO, is figuring out "how to grow algae fast enough and cheap enough that it makes sense economically. That's not easy to do."
I truly look forward to the day when this technology is greatly accepted all over the world. It is truly an eye opener for a student like me who have always thought of algae as just another green and disgusting organism which grows and provides food in the water. My perspective of energy generation has been opened wider in lesson.

Read more: Pond-Powered Biofuels: Turning Algae into America's New Energy - Popular Mechanics
An additional source of information for Algae biofuel if anyone is interested is here: Algae: 'The ultimate in renewable energy'

Monday, 3 October 2011

Interesting Facts - Predict Weather Without Technology

How to Predict the Weather Without a Forecast

from wikiHow - The How to Manual That You Can Edit

Long before technology was developed to predict the weather, people had to rely on observation, patterns and folk lore to avoid being caught off guard by the elements. If your plans, livelihood or even your survival depend on the weather, it certainly wouldn't hurt to become familiar with some of these methods, especially since you never know when you might be out of touch with the local weather report. These methods aren't foolproof, but they have their usefulness, and if you don't have a forecast on hand, what do you have to lose by trying them?


  1. Check the grass for dew at sunrise. If the grass is dry, this indicates clouds or strong breezes, which can mean rain. If there's dew, it probably won't rain that day. However, if it rained during the night, this method will not be reliable.
  2. Remember the rhyme: "Red sky at night, sailor's delight; Red sky at morning, sailors take warning." Look for any sign of red in the sky (not a red sun); it will not be a bold orange or red the majority of the time, but that depends a little on where you live.
    • If you see a red sky during sunset (when you're looking to the west), there is a high pressure system with dry air that is stirring dust particles in the air, causing the sky to look red. Since prevailing front movements and jet streams weather usually move from west to east (see Tips), the dry air is heading towards you.
    • A red sky in the morning (in the East, where the sun rises) means that the dry air has already moved past you, and what follows behind it (on its way towards you) is a low pressure system that carries moisture.
  3. Look for a rainbow in the west. This is the result of the rising sun's morning rays from the east striking moisture in the west. Most major storm fronts travel west to east, and a rainbow in the west means moisture, which can mean rain is on its way. On the other hand, a rainbow in the east around sunset means that the rain is on its way out and you can look forward to sunny days. Remember: Rainbow in the morning, need for a warning.
  4. Detect which direction the wind is blowing. If unable to immediately detect the wind's direction, throw a small piece of grass in to the air and watch its descent. Easterly winds can indicate an approaching storm front, westerly winds the opposite. Strong winds indicate high pressure differences, which can be a sign of advancing storm fronts. Deciduous trees show the undersides of their leaves during unusual winds, supposedly because they grow in a way that keeps them right-side up during typical prevalent winds.
  5. Take a deep breath. Close your eyes and smell the air.
    • Plants release their waste in a low pressure atmosphere, generating a smell like compost and indicating an upcoming rain.
    • Swamps will release gasses just before a storm because of the lower pressure, which leads to unpleasant smells.
    • A proverb says "Flowers smell best just before a rain." Scents are stronger in moist air, associated with rainy weather.
  6. Check for humidity. Many people can feel humidity, especially in their hair (it curls up and gets frizzy). You can also look at the leaves of oak or maple trees. These leaves tend to curl in high humidity, which tends to precede a heavy rain. Pine cone scales remain closed if the humidity is high, but open in dry air. Under humid conditions, wood swells (look out for those sticky doors) and salt clumps (is that shaker working well?).
  7. Watch the clouds.
    • Clouds going in different directions (e.g. one layer going west, another layer going north) - bad weather coming, probably hail
    • Cumulonimbus clouds early in the day and developing throughout the day - greater chances of severe weather
    • Mammatus cloud (formed by sinking air) - can form with both severe and nonsevere thunderstorms as well as other cloud types
    • Cirrus clouds high in the sky like long streamers - bad weather within the next 36 hours
    • Altocumulus clouds like mackerel scales - bad weather within the next 36 hours. The old sailor's saying for these types of clouds is "Mares tails and mackerel scales, tall ships carry short sails." Another is "Mackerel skies and mare's tails, sailors furl their sails." Mackerel skies and mares tails formations sometimes appear in the same sky. When that happens, rain is sure to follow the next day.
    • Cloud cover on a winter night - expect warmer weather because clouds prevent heat radiation that would lower the temperature on a clear night.
    • Cumulus towers (cumulus castellanus) - possibility of showers later in the day
  8. Observe animals. They are more likely to react to changes in air pressure than we are.
    • If birds are flying high in the sky, there will probably be fair weather. (Falling air pressure caused by an imminent storm causes discomfort in birds' ears, so they fly low to alleviate it. Large numbers of birds roosting on power lines indicates swiftly falling air pressure.)
    • Seagulls tend to stop flying and take refuge at the coast if a storm is coming.
    • Animals, especially birds, get very quiet immediately before it rains.
    • Cows will typically lie down before a thunderstorm. They also tend to stay close together if bad weather's on the way.
    • Ants build their hills with very steep sides just before a rain.
    • Cats tend to clean behind their ears before rain.
    • Turtles often search for higher ground when a large amount of rain is expected. You will often see them in the road during this period (1 to 2 days before the rain).
    • A very old wives tale says if birds feed in a storm it will rain for a long time, if they don't it will clear soon.
  9. Make a campfire. The smoke should rise steadily. Smoke that swirls and descends is caused by low pressure (i.e. rain on the way).
  10. Look at the moon during the night. If it is reddish or pale, dust is in the air. But if the moon is bright and sharply focused, it's probably because low pressure has cleared out the dust, and low pressure means rain. Also, a ring around the moon (caused by light shining through cirrostratus clouds associated with warm fronts and moisture) can indicate that rain will probably fall within the next three days. Remember: Circle around the moon, rain or snow soon.
  11. Create your own prediction methods. The methods provided thus far are based around a few key (but very general) principles: Low pressure brings rain, and major weather systems move from west to east. Predicting the weather is all about recognizing the signs of pressure change in your area. While prevailing systems may move from west to east, for example, individual storms in a particular region may not, due to local weather phenomena. Long term residents who spend a great deal of their time outdoors, particularly farmers, commercial fishermen and the like, learn to observe trends that give them clues to long term weather patterns and seasonal changes in their specific geographical location. In the southern United States, for instance, dogwoods are seldom caught off guard by late spring frosts, so when they bloom, you have likely seen the last frost of the season. By being observant, forming hypotheses, and testing your predictions, you can fine-tune your weather predicting abilities beyond what any article could ever instruct..


  • If you have the inclination, you can use a barometer (or make your own) to measure changes in pressure. Keep a notebook and observe what else happens when the pressure changes. Be attentive and you might come up with your own weather-prediction method that's localized to your area.


  • Don't risk your life or well-being based on these indicators and proverbs. Predicting the weather in this manner is not an exact science.
  • Remember tornadoes don't follow the hollow.
  • This is mainly a personal experiment. Don't ignore the professionals, they predict weather for a living.

Related wikiHows

Sources and Citations

Article provided by wikiHow, a wiki how-to manual. Please edit this article and find author credits at the original wikiHow article on How to Predict the Weather Without a Forecast. All content on wikiHow can be shared under a Creative Commons license.

Monday, 26 September 2011

TWC - Week 07

Another week of TWC, and i really want to comment on one of the questions discussed in class.

How does one achieve the difficult and complex tasks of balancing environmental and business concerns?
Impossible. Basically, to put it very frankly, business people do business to earn money, to profit. It would be easy to say that by taking away something from the world, the business can do CSR to give back something in return. However, are businesses really giving back what they are taking away? I really feel that the answer is no!
First if all, what the businesses are doing most of the time is to take away an apple and put back an orange which does not solve the root problem of the lack of apple at all.
Secondly, how many businesses in the world can afford to spend money on balancing environmental issues? Some company find it hard to even cover their losses. Some are lucky just to be able to break even. Some that just started to earn small money needs to have enough money to upgrade their business and bring it to the next level. Only a few companies really have grown to the scale where they are able to spend their money on curbing with environmental issues.
Third, even if large companies are spending their money on balancing environmental problems, how influential are they against the world's consumption?
Be it that one day the world knows that earth will be destroyed in 10 years time if we do not do anything to sustain it, i believe that instead of spending money on healing the earth, people will invest and spend more money and resources on technologies that enables them to live in another planet.

How optimistic are you with regards to Green Technology for sustainable development?
I certainly believe that people who will profit from Green Technology will continue to create green technology and people who loves the environment or loves new and creative things will go for it. If huge amount of resources can be put into Research&Development of Green Technology, i believe that green technology might be able to provide people with even better standard of living in time to come, at the same time curbing the world's environment issues. However, for everyone to take such huge steps of risk is a challenging tasks to accomplish.

Will you ever accept lab meat farming?
An interesting discussion was made again. Will vegetarians be able to consume meat since it doesn't involved killing life? Quoting our prof, "they would need to trace down to the first cell used". And i agree with the theory of why kill a chicken when all you need is a wing or the thigh? Imagine a future where chicken thighs are grown from a tree? Or even an apple that taste like pizza? I believe that most of us will say "Yuck!" to that, but the future generation will be able to accept them.

Again.. the speed of change of most of these things around us has been so rapid that no one should ignore what is going on. I feel that TWC is a course that everyone in the world should go through so that we are all aware of the reality we are living in.

Sunday, 25 September 2011

TWC - Week 06

During TWC's lessons, i realized that it is the videos that left the most impression so i shall share another video which professor introduced this week by Microsoft.

Future medical technology from Microsoft

A statement the professor has mentioned today is that: Healthcare - waiting time = loss of economy
The creation of such medical technology will increase efficiency, decrease the waiting time that everyone hates, and bring in more economy value to the society.

Is this technology achievable within the next 10-20 years? Highly possible. The advancement of the current technologies that we have now are what people once considered was impossible. The future that Microsoft has envisioned was as my professor has shared in class, a mixture of existing technologies from all over the world combined. They just need a common platform to integrate together to create wonders.

There was a short debate in class. Will such advanced technologies make the healthcare industry more affordable or more expensive? Some says that it will be lower, because there is more efficiency and that by being one f the more advanced healthcare technology service provider, you would have already gain fame and popularity, thus gaining lots of business. There is not need to jack up the prices. However, some says that the price will be higher because it costs a lot of money to buy and integrate these systems together.

Then, the issue of price comes in. A fellow classmate presented on a topic talking about counterfeit drugs. In some country, people are willing to pay a smaller amount for counterfeit drugs thinking that the effects are all the same. Because the current medications provided are so expensive, these poor people who consume counterfeit drugs to save money faced the consequences of adverse side effects from counterfeit drugs. So various suggestions were made in class to solve this issue. One of the solutions mentioned was to sell the medications at very low prices so that counterfeit drugs will not earn much even if they tried to lower the selling price. This would discourage the poor people from buying counterfeit drugs.

However, there comes the question of whether people will still spend so much money on innovation if they are not paid well for it. One solution which was already in place was that governments will talk to the innovators and negotiate on an appropriate price so that it will benefit the country and its people. Part of the requisition of these technology will be absorbed by the government themselves so that both the citizens of the country as well as the innovators for the drugs will have a win win situation.

Before this lesson, i was very clueless about the medical industry world. Though i know that technology is vital in the healthcare industry, i have never envisioned the healthcare industry to also use such powerful technology. This set me to think that besides a business making money, IT solutions can practically be applied anywhere as long as you can find the root cause of the issues.

Sunday, 18 September 2011

TWC - Week 05

This week, our lesson's objective is to equip us with:
1. a conceptual framework for intelligently considering the potential economic, social and commercial impact and significance of technology innovation.
2. a solid foundation for considering issues of development, technology policy, change management, and the management of technology.

Under the topic Information and Communications Technology(ICT) and World Change (Mass Media, the Internet, Wireless, Interactive Telecommunications) - Past, Present and Future, we were shown a few interesting videos.

Web 3.0 video

The videos talks about the type of web technology that we are using now and in the near future. It talks about Web2.0, the present technology where web sites are user-centric and allows interaction and information from the users instead of just allowing static web surfing. The world is shifting towards a Web3.0 environment where the web is intelligent and omnipresent. This is like a continuation of existing technology and allows user to add in their information and allows the web to collect extra information from the users. Also the technology will be embedded within many appliances in our daily life such as the hand phone, electrical appliances that we use and so on.

I like the idea of living in a Web3.0 environment where i can access/create/modify information anywhere, anytime, with anyone. That would make things so convenient and bring the whole level of human development and interaction to a whole new level.

Project Natal-Meet Milo Video

Project Natal-Meet Milo is quite impressive in my opinion. A virtual character whom you can communicate with intellectually, a technology that allows data to be transmitted into a virtual world instantaneously and a simulation of real world reaction of surroundings through user gestures making the interaction as close to reality as possible.

However, as much as i would like to see this new technology surface in reality, i felt that many people will lose the social skills to interact with real people in real life. No matter how much you can talk to "Milo", it is still programmed to react in a certain way. The idea of virtual world is new and interesting. People whom are unable to pay as much to travel could travel to different countries in a virtual world. Games could also be developed with such technology to develop a brand new fantasia which i believe, is the real next IN thing. A total 4-D experience stepping into a virtual world and practically moving in it. THAT, i would look forward to.

What is cloud computing?
I would say, cloud computing, a current IN thing that most of the people is using, a technology that allows people to just connect to the cloud(which is the internet), and use the service that provides virtual space(as long as it is not stored on your computer), is greatly used by the number one search engine Google. As much as i love the i-technologies and devices provided by apple, i love the google chrome that Google has created. It comes with a webstore and works the same as apple's appstore. They provide us with a virtual 5Gb thumbdrive known as GE.TT, which allows you to store your data freely in the cloud, and allows you to share it with any friends. For people who can't afford photoshop, good news for you. The have also provided applications like Aviary Image Editor which works similarly to the commonly used photoshop options. Of course, there are way much more applications available. So check out your google chrome webstore if you have not, and download the chrome if you are still living in the I.E or mozilla fox world.

What is knowledge management?
Taken from wiki, to explain knowledge management, it simply means comprising a range of strategies and practices used in an organization to identify, create, represent, distribute, and enable adoption of insights and experiences. Such insights and experiences comprise knowledge, either embodied in individuals or embedded in organizational processes or practice.

In the current world filled with collected data, who is there to analyze it? With current technologies, information is readily anywhere. However, in order to truly make good use of these data, which might allow companies to realize hidden market, uncover new business opportunity as well as cater to more of the customers' needs, they need knowledge management!

Are we using IT to capture the potential information in our country?
Well, i would say that i wouldn't be surprised if most of my information on the internet is now being accessed by the government people. In order to keep the country safe, certain measures has to be taken. However, that does not mean that we do not have the right to be angry at these actions since our privacy were invaded.

Looking at the questions on another perspective where we ask ourselves, are we capturing information and making use of them efficiently and effectively to improve the well-being of our country? The answer might comprises of many yes and many no. However i strongly believe that profiting organization should really look into knowledge management to bring their organization to the next level.

Sunday, 11 September 2011

TWC - Week 04

This week, the lesson is to equip us with:
1) a conceptual framework for intelligently considering the potential economic, social and commercial impact and significance of technology innovation
2) a solid foundation for considering issues of development, technology policy, change management, and the management of technology.

The lesson start off with a very interesting video "Who Moved My Cheese?". Base on the video, there are 2 group; the mini people and the mice. Both groups tried to find cheese. However, once they found the cheese, the mini people assumed that the cheese will always be there. But the mice has noticed the change in supply every day and ran off to look for more cheese.

The video shows how most people can't accept the fact that situations do change, and that if they don't change according to the situation, the good old situation will never come back and live will never move on!

I feel that this video alone can relates to many situation in our daily life, for example relationships. We know that in life many thing keeps changing. Including relationships with people. We can not always stay with one group of people and stay within our own comfort zone. People around you meets new people and move on with life without you if you always stay on the same spot. If we choose to live in self denial and assume that nothing will change, one day you will look around and find that no one is left.

Another interesting video shown to us was "First Follower: Leadership Lessons from Dancing Guy". This video shows how a lone nut, who has the gut to stand alone and look ridiculous, dancing weirdly and eventually became a leader when the first follower follow that lone nut.

First point to take note is, you have to be easy to follow. The lone nut will never become a leader until the first follower showed up. If you find that the lone nut is doing something great, be courageous and follow the lone nut. The whole situation changes when the first follower appears for the lone nut. The first follower transform the lone nut into a leader. It is crucial for the leader to embrace the first follower as an equal. And once there is a second follower, it is the turning point. It proves that the first has done well. Now that three is a crowd, more people will join in the momentum, and now they have the movement. People who choose to join now knows that they won't stand out or be ridiculed and that they will be part of the in-crowd if they hurry. Now, the rest of the people will join because they don't want to be out of the crowd.

I guess this video really reflect about the Bubble Tea craze that happened about eight years ago. Someone brought in the creation of bubble tea, it was easy to replicate and sell. Slowly more people joined in. Then everyone starts to sell bubble tea. However in the business world, too many is a crowd and of course, bubble tea business busted.

I guess it really is very important to become the first leader. And being the first and second follower is very crucial to get the trend started. However, you have to be smart and think through the consequences of following blindly. The first few followers and the leader might know what they are in for. But for people who joined in just to be "in-the-crowd", i find that it is rather stupid and that they won't get much out of the whole situation.

I really love all these videos that were shown in class. Because it is easier for me to understand and learn these interesting perspectives. I will rate the lesson 8/10.

Friday, 9 September 2011

Individual Report - Outline

Weather Forecast

Executive summary
Throughout the history of mankind, there has never been a day where people live in an environment totally unaffected by weather. The impact of weather in our daily life has gone through many evolutions and yet they are still as crucial and threatening to human lives as ever. Human has been trying to understand, predict and even control weather since way back in history. This lead to the invention of weather forecast methodologies ranging from praying for godly divination in the past where people believe that weather is so unpredictable that only god could help them, to the current advanced technology of placing a satelite in space to monitor weather changes and adjusting their living conditions accordingly in advance. The once impossible task of predicting the weather has become information so easily accessible through media such as TV, radio, and internet etc. Now the interesting question would be, will human be contented to just predicting weather and adjusting their life accordingly or will they start to think of alternatives like altering the weather in future? 

What is weather forecast?
Why do people need to forecast weather?

Historical perspective
·        Impact/Importance of weather
o   Why people need weather
o   How people make use of weather
·        How people forecast weather
o   Technologies used
o   Godly divination
·        How people make use of weather forecast methodologies to control people in the past
o   Past Korean/ other country if available
§  Harvest, rich, power

Current situation
·        Impact/Importance of weather
o   Why people need weather
o   How people make use of weather
·        How people forecast weather
o   Technologies used
o   Godly divination
·        How people make use of weather forecast methodologies to live the present life
o   Avoid natural disaster
o   Grow more crops etc

Future considerations
·        Impact/Importance of weather
o   Why people need weather
o   How people make use of weather
·        How people forecast weather
o   Technologies used
o   Godly divination
·        How people can control the weather and impact of such actions
o   Balance of the world is gone
§  Natural disaster in other area of the world
§  Politics and religions view
o   The pros and cons

Throughout the history of mankind, weather has proven its crucial role in impacting human life both positively and negatively. Methodologies of weather forecast have evolved along with technology advances and yet they are unable to achieve 100% accuracy for their prediction in the current times. To further improve the current weather forecast technology to near 100% accuracy might be possible ten years down the road. However, the possibility of creating technology to alter the weather itself is a mystery. Along with the possibility of unpredictable disastrous consequences such as affecting the natural cycle of nature which might hasten the destruction of mother earth, the mere thought of the creation of such technology brings thrills to one such as myself and at the same time sends shivers down the spine. Despite the possible issues, being able to come up with one solution after another is the power of the human mind, which leaves the question of altering weather unanswered.

Monday, 5 September 2011

TWC - Week 03

On our third lesson, we have two objectives, mainly to be equip with:
1) A conceptual framework for intelligently considering the potential economic, social and commercial impact and significance of technology innovation;
2) A solid foundation for considering issues of development, technology policy, change management, and the management of technology.

However, due to a small hiccups, our week 2's presentation topic is brought backward to lesson 3. I was one of the presenter. So let's just start with what i have presented.

I shared an article "High Technology and Human Development" by Stephen K.Ainsah-Mensah. Reason why i chose this article is because he led me to think about issues like how we human have been trying to advance our technology blindly, destroying the environment and how these resources used to build our technology for war could have been better reallocated else where.

His final message which I picked out from the article was that "It is the irresponsible proliferation of, say, war technology, high-tech products, among others, that are in need of criticism and have to stop." Which i agree with him. I feel that in the society that we have now, though people are enjoying themselves, living in high-tech houses, driving huge cars, purchasing all the high-tech products for pure entertainment purposes, there are many people who don't even have a roof over their head. When has the world become so unbalanced? Why are people so focused on building war technologies and harmful products that will destroy the environment and themselves? Why can't they just reallocate these resources to the ones who are really in need? Why has the world been devoid of all love and become a power driven world? Why is it that the one with the biggest gun has the right to say? These questions were hounding within me after the presentation was over.

However, i know that due to the lack of time, i did not do a good job bringing these messages across to the class. Which i deeply regretted because i have just lost one chance in which i could have change someone's mind.

Moving on, on the topic of Technology and Industrial Development: Toward Sustainability, one of our classmate Samantha C***, she brought forth a very interesting article "Masdar City: The World's Greenest City". The article talks about an eco-friendly city that produce zero waste.

Masdar City is a custom-designed settlement, "the world's first zero-carbon city," It would rely entirely on renewable energy — mostly solar — and would produce zero waste. There would be no traditional cars inside the city — all transportation was to be via PRT vehicle — and it would use half the energy of a settlement of the same size. The urban layout — by the green-minded British architect Norman Foster — would combine classic Arab design with 21st century technology.

I find this innovation to be very interesting and really look forward to the day it will be complete.

Key takeaways from lesson 3 was that, personally, i really have to work harder to live life with no regrets. Looking at the effort of certain part of the world to make the world a better place really inspire me to do more for this world that i live in. Of course, there are many times in life where you can't control the situation nor change the world. But the truth is, if everybody thinks that he cannot make a difference, no one will.

My rating for the lesson.. 8/10. 2/10 was due to my extreme tiredness. I find it so hard to concentrate on not sleeping in class..

Sunday, 28 August 2011

TWC - Week 02

Finally had some time to blog about week 2's lesson!

Our professor has introduced this diagram to us that helps us how to identify between:
1) A rising star
2) A dominant star
3) A falling star

The key takeaway of that diagram, which i believe is the observation that he stated:
"Societies/Corporations/Organizations at different stages of innovation leadership and technology dominance display very different behavioral traits and operational attitudes… "

True enough, why did so many dominant players fell and how did certain companies overtake the existing dominant companies of the industry and became the dominant player themselves? It all lies on the attitude and behavior, the mindset of the organization.

Next, he showed us a few video. My favorite was  titled "History of the World in seven minutes". Which i personally finds that the usage of music to bring out the message of the video is very interesting and unique. In this case, i would say that music is a technology, a tool that made this video successful. I am very sure that the video would not have achieved its desired result without this technology.

After the videos, we had our classmates to present on their oral presentation. My favorite topic would be Technology and Human Development. The fellow classmate has mentioned about the technology of cloning human.

She mentioned a few interesting facts such as cloned human or cloned beings behaves EXACTLY THE SAME as their clones. Wow? It means to say everything that you do, and how you think, will be the same. But i guess it is impossible. Say for instance, i slap A. Will B feels the pain? Not likely.

I remember a pro to human cloning. One might say that the clone will be able to provide the original with the vital organs that the original needs to survive in any case that the original needs it. However, would it be right to kill the clone to save the original? Is the clone not considered as an alive being then?

I guess the key takeaway for me on that day was really:
1) To think again whether technology really have more pros than cons
2) I will never be able to catch up with technology

Tuesday, 16 August 2011

TWC - Week 01

Hi all, to whoever is reading this blog. I am not someone who is good at writing down my thoughts, so opening this blog is definitely not my idea, but the requirement of the course I am studying in. 

Technology and World Change. How strange? Today when i was asked to think about what is Technology and World Change, all i could think of is that I am so sick and tired of chasing after the new technologies that keep emerging. As a Information System student, i have learnt lots of technologies and how to implement them, and i know that all that certifications will never bring me to where i want to be in the IT world because even while i am studying about something, it is getting expired and new technologies are coming up to overtake the old ones.

Within the 3 hours lecture that we had in class, my professor did an interesting thing. Instead of teaching non-stop, he showed us this YouTube video call Guns, Germs and Steel. Click on the link the see it. After the video, he asked the question that was asked in the video "Why is it that white people developed so much cargo, but black people had so little cargo of their own?"

Yes. Why? Though there were certain explanations such as geographic differences and pure luck and coincidence, I think likewise. Yes, to a certain extend, if you live in a land filled with resources, you are able to produce goods with them. To say that such occurrence happens without luck, it would be to boast. Just look at Japan for example, living in the ring of fire, we would all agree that they don't have much luck. Allocating resources to disaster recovery as well as disaster prevention are slowing down or even preventing Japan from fully utilizing their resources and become an even more advance and strong country. Back to the question posted to us, besides blaming the differences between the blacks and the whites base on geographic location and luck, I agree with one of the classmate who mentioned that the white used available technologies in the world and made use of them. Personally i also think that given available resources, if you don't do anything about it, how will you ever advance? 

So to me, the answer is pretty much explained by how contented you are with what you have, how much change are you willing to take up in order to live a better life than how you are living now, how lucky you are to be in whichever situations that you are in now. After thinking about the possible answers, i felt that instead of answering his question, i want to ask the black people "why aren't you doing anything about it?" In summary it is all human decision i guess.

For the first day, that's pretty much what i managed to remember. The most interesting thing is, before the lesson, i felt nothing about the three word "Technology and World Change". Now, i feel like i am looking forward to what this course has got to show me about the world that i am living in now.