Tuesday 16 August 2011

TWC - Week 01

Hi all, to whoever is reading this blog. I am not someone who is good at writing down my thoughts, so opening this blog is definitely not my idea, but the requirement of the course I am studying in. 

Technology and World Change. How strange? Today when i was asked to think about what is Technology and World Change, all i could think of is that I am so sick and tired of chasing after the new technologies that keep emerging. As a Information System student, i have learnt lots of technologies and how to implement them, and i know that all that certifications will never bring me to where i want to be in the IT world because even while i am studying about something, it is getting expired and new technologies are coming up to overtake the old ones.

Within the 3 hours lecture that we had in class, my professor did an interesting thing. Instead of teaching non-stop, he showed us this YouTube video call Guns, Germs and Steel. Click on the link the see it. After the video, he asked the question that was asked in the video "Why is it that white people developed so much cargo, but black people had so little cargo of their own?"

Yes. Why? Though there were certain explanations such as geographic differences and pure luck and coincidence, I think likewise. Yes, to a certain extend, if you live in a land filled with resources, you are able to produce goods with them. To say that such occurrence happens without luck, it would be to boast. Just look at Japan for example, living in the ring of fire, we would all agree that they don't have much luck. Allocating resources to disaster recovery as well as disaster prevention are slowing down or even preventing Japan from fully utilizing their resources and become an even more advance and strong country. Back to the question posted to us, besides blaming the differences between the blacks and the whites base on geographic location and luck, I agree with one of the classmate who mentioned that the white used available technologies in the world and made use of them. Personally i also think that given available resources, if you don't do anything about it, how will you ever advance? 

So to me, the answer is pretty much explained by how contented you are with what you have, how much change are you willing to take up in order to live a better life than how you are living now, how lucky you are to be in whichever situations that you are in now. After thinking about the possible answers, i felt that instead of answering his question, i want to ask the black people "why aren't you doing anything about it?" In summary it is all human decision i guess.

For the first day, that's pretty much what i managed to remember. The most interesting thing is, before the lesson, i felt nothing about the three word "Technology and World Change". Now, i feel like i am looking forward to what this course has got to show me about the world that i am living in now. 

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