Sunday 28 August 2011

TWC - Week 02

Finally had some time to blog about week 2's lesson!

Our professor has introduced this diagram to us that helps us how to identify between:
1) A rising star
2) A dominant star
3) A falling star

The key takeaway of that diagram, which i believe is the observation that he stated:
"Societies/Corporations/Organizations at different stages of innovation leadership and technology dominance display very different behavioral traits and operational attitudes… "

True enough, why did so many dominant players fell and how did certain companies overtake the existing dominant companies of the industry and became the dominant player themselves? It all lies on the attitude and behavior, the mindset of the organization.

Next, he showed us a few video. My favorite was  titled "History of the World in seven minutes". Which i personally finds that the usage of music to bring out the message of the video is very interesting and unique. In this case, i would say that music is a technology, a tool that made this video successful. I am very sure that the video would not have achieved its desired result without this technology.

After the videos, we had our classmates to present on their oral presentation. My favorite topic would be Technology and Human Development. The fellow classmate has mentioned about the technology of cloning human.

She mentioned a few interesting facts such as cloned human or cloned beings behaves EXACTLY THE SAME as their clones. Wow? It means to say everything that you do, and how you think, will be the same. But i guess it is impossible. Say for instance, i slap A. Will B feels the pain? Not likely.

I remember a pro to human cloning. One might say that the clone will be able to provide the original with the vital organs that the original needs to survive in any case that the original needs it. However, would it be right to kill the clone to save the original? Is the clone not considered as an alive being then?

I guess the key takeaway for me on that day was really:
1) To think again whether technology really have more pros than cons
2) I will never be able to catch up with technology

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