Sunday 18 September 2011

TWC - Week 05

This week, our lesson's objective is to equip us with:
1. a conceptual framework for intelligently considering the potential economic, social and commercial impact and significance of technology innovation.
2. a solid foundation for considering issues of development, technology policy, change management, and the management of technology.

Under the topic Information and Communications Technology(ICT) and World Change (Mass Media, the Internet, Wireless, Interactive Telecommunications) - Past, Present and Future, we were shown a few interesting videos.

Web 3.0 video

The videos talks about the type of web technology that we are using now and in the near future. It talks about Web2.0, the present technology where web sites are user-centric and allows interaction and information from the users instead of just allowing static web surfing. The world is shifting towards a Web3.0 environment where the web is intelligent and omnipresent. This is like a continuation of existing technology and allows user to add in their information and allows the web to collect extra information from the users. Also the technology will be embedded within many appliances in our daily life such as the hand phone, electrical appliances that we use and so on.

I like the idea of living in a Web3.0 environment where i can access/create/modify information anywhere, anytime, with anyone. That would make things so convenient and bring the whole level of human development and interaction to a whole new level.

Project Natal-Meet Milo Video

Project Natal-Meet Milo is quite impressive in my opinion. A virtual character whom you can communicate with intellectually, a technology that allows data to be transmitted into a virtual world instantaneously and a simulation of real world reaction of surroundings through user gestures making the interaction as close to reality as possible.

However, as much as i would like to see this new technology surface in reality, i felt that many people will lose the social skills to interact with real people in real life. No matter how much you can talk to "Milo", it is still programmed to react in a certain way. The idea of virtual world is new and interesting. People whom are unable to pay as much to travel could travel to different countries in a virtual world. Games could also be developed with such technology to develop a brand new fantasia which i believe, is the real next IN thing. A total 4-D experience stepping into a virtual world and practically moving in it. THAT, i would look forward to.

What is cloud computing?
I would say, cloud computing, a current IN thing that most of the people is using, a technology that allows people to just connect to the cloud(which is the internet), and use the service that provides virtual space(as long as it is not stored on your computer), is greatly used by the number one search engine Google. As much as i love the i-technologies and devices provided by apple, i love the google chrome that Google has created. It comes with a webstore and works the same as apple's appstore. They provide us with a virtual 5Gb thumbdrive known as GE.TT, which allows you to store your data freely in the cloud, and allows you to share it with any friends. For people who can't afford photoshop, good news for you. The have also provided applications like Aviary Image Editor which works similarly to the commonly used photoshop options. Of course, there are way much more applications available. So check out your google chrome webstore if you have not, and download the chrome if you are still living in the I.E or mozilla fox world.

What is knowledge management?
Taken from wiki, to explain knowledge management, it simply means comprising a range of strategies and practices used in an organization to identify, create, represent, distribute, and enable adoption of insights and experiences. Such insights and experiences comprise knowledge, either embodied in individuals or embedded in organizational processes or practice.

In the current world filled with collected data, who is there to analyze it? With current technologies, information is readily anywhere. However, in order to truly make good use of these data, which might allow companies to realize hidden market, uncover new business opportunity as well as cater to more of the customers' needs, they need knowledge management!

Are we using IT to capture the potential information in our country?
Well, i would say that i wouldn't be surprised if most of my information on the internet is now being accessed by the government people. In order to keep the country safe, certain measures has to be taken. However, that does not mean that we do not have the right to be angry at these actions since our privacy were invaded.

Looking at the questions on another perspective where we ask ourselves, are we capturing information and making use of them efficiently and effectively to improve the well-being of our country? The answer might comprises of many yes and many no. However i strongly believe that profiting organization should really look into knowledge management to bring their organization to the next level.

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