Friday 9 September 2011

Individual Report - Outline

Weather Forecast

Executive summary
Throughout the history of mankind, there has never been a day where people live in an environment totally unaffected by weather. The impact of weather in our daily life has gone through many evolutions and yet they are still as crucial and threatening to human lives as ever. Human has been trying to understand, predict and even control weather since way back in history. This lead to the invention of weather forecast methodologies ranging from praying for godly divination in the past where people believe that weather is so unpredictable that only god could help them, to the current advanced technology of placing a satelite in space to monitor weather changes and adjusting their living conditions accordingly in advance. The once impossible task of predicting the weather has become information so easily accessible through media such as TV, radio, and internet etc. Now the interesting question would be, will human be contented to just predicting weather and adjusting their life accordingly or will they start to think of alternatives like altering the weather in future? 

What is weather forecast?
Why do people need to forecast weather?

Historical perspective
·        Impact/Importance of weather
o   Why people need weather
o   How people make use of weather
·        How people forecast weather
o   Technologies used
o   Godly divination
·        How people make use of weather forecast methodologies to control people in the past
o   Past Korean/ other country if available
§  Harvest, rich, power

Current situation
·        Impact/Importance of weather
o   Why people need weather
o   How people make use of weather
·        How people forecast weather
o   Technologies used
o   Godly divination
·        How people make use of weather forecast methodologies to live the present life
o   Avoid natural disaster
o   Grow more crops etc

Future considerations
·        Impact/Importance of weather
o   Why people need weather
o   How people make use of weather
·        How people forecast weather
o   Technologies used
o   Godly divination
·        How people can control the weather and impact of such actions
o   Balance of the world is gone
§  Natural disaster in other area of the world
§  Politics and religions view
o   The pros and cons

Throughout the history of mankind, weather has proven its crucial role in impacting human life both positively and negatively. Methodologies of weather forecast have evolved along with technology advances and yet they are unable to achieve 100% accuracy for their prediction in the current times. To further improve the current weather forecast technology to near 100% accuracy might be possible ten years down the road. However, the possibility of creating technology to alter the weather itself is a mystery. Along with the possibility of unpredictable disastrous consequences such as affecting the natural cycle of nature which might hasten the destruction of mother earth, the mere thought of the creation of such technology brings thrills to one such as myself and at the same time sends shivers down the spine. Despite the possible issues, being able to come up with one solution after another is the power of the human mind, which leaves the question of altering weather unanswered.


  1. Hi Kirene!

    anw, your outline is bloody repetitive.. haha, but its all stated in your conclusion. Anw, it looks good and you've covered a lot of areas. It sounds like a huge topic and its very interesting :D. but its hellishly complex so some very good links here

    you can use this link to emphasize your current situation,0,39372.story
    its about China using weather control activities during the olympics. very good stuff.

    And best of all, wikipedia on weather control. It's good to note that because of the interest of weather control, there has been laws passed down to control this area(probably of people's fears that we might screw up somewhere and start and end of the world doomsday scenario)

    I think there's no need to dwell on weather forecast as it's like an endless journey towards perfection in getting 100% accurate predictions.

    you should talk about the move from predicting the weather to altering the weather. perhaps say that in your current situation and future considerations.

    Also, dun forget to have a short note on the economic and social impacts.

  2. Background:
    -includes who are the main uses of this technology
    -point out which industry regard this technology as high importance. without this technology, the industry might have been shaped differently.

    historical persepective:
    -looks substantial. however, i feel that the part on controlling people is not very in context with what you are discussing. it's like me deceiving you that a chocolate is nice when it is actually not. however, my action doesn't change the way that the chocolate is manufactured. i hope you see what i am trying to bring across

    current situation:
    -you should identify a stage in history that revolutionalise the way people predicted weather. without that breakthrough in technology, we wouldn't be where we are today.

    future consideration:
    i see you used "Godly divination" in all historial, present and future consideration. I don't really get what you mean. Maybe you could have elaborated more.

    in addition, i feel that your topic which primarily focused on weather forecast technology has a sudden change to weather control technology. there is a difference in the technology mentioned here.
    the current technology for forecasting weather studies wind patterns, cloud movements, sea levels etc. however, the technology for controlling weather would include controlling the movement of air moelcules, diverting sea water etc.
    clearly, the 2 technology is different. maybe you could consider saying that weather forecasting can reach the stage where i can calculate at precisely what time will the first drop of rain fall, how much rain fall is expected, the exact path a typhoon will take etc. if you still want to stick to weather forecasting.

    hope this helps!

  3. okay. i didnt know what went wrong, but apparently my comment didnt manage to get through jus now. =.= sorry huiying!

    anyways, with regards to ur topic. i feel that this is a very interesting topic. =)

    personally i feel that ur outline is slightly vague. esp the portion on impact/importance on people and how people forecast weather. it would be good if more can be elaborated cus during the past and the present, there are different approaches in forecasting weather.

    as for future considerations, i do feel that weather manipulation is something which might happen in the future. thus u might wanna mention about the impacts on society etc. however, i do feel that there are other areas which you might wanna look into with regards to the future considerations. like maybe we can forecast up to a year or something? and manipulation of weather only by a governing body or something?

    anyways, great stuff!
